In this article let us understand what is Azure Resource ID and where do we find it.
All the resources in Azure i.e., Azure Resource Manager Resources are assinged with an identifer called as ResourceID. You can carryout operations by using the Resourceid as well.
In this lab, you will learn how to create an Azure Active Directory Guest user ids.
Global Administrator role or any of the limited administrator directory roles such as guest inviter or user administrator that allows guest user creation.
Log in to Azure portal and search for Azure Active Directory.
Navigate to the Users section under Manage in Azure Active Directory.
In this lab, you will learn how to create an Azure Active Directory user id(s) using Azure Powershell. Requirements:
User should be part of Global Administration or User Administration Role.
Create AAD User(s) using Powershell:
Creation of user accounts using PowerShell on your local machine requires the following. However, you can also use Azure Powershell in Cloudshell step 1 is not required. 1) Azure Active Directory PowerShell Modules, here is the command that is required to install AAD PowerShell modules on your machine. $AzureAdCred = Get-Credential Connect-AzureAD -Credential $AzureAdCred Install-Module AzureAD 2)Authentication to Azure Active Directory. Once installation of AAD PS modules is done run the following command for authentication.
If you had already created a Virtual Machine in Azure, you
might be aware that Azure Marketplace Images are used to deploy OS
(Windows/Linux). What if you need custom Images (Templates in VMware World) with tools and applications that your Organization or Department
use. Below are steps to create a Custom Image in Azure:
Spin up Virtual Machine using Azure Market Place Image.
Install all the latest patches and service packs (Most of the time it is up to date)
Install all the required Applications and Application Patches.
Harden the server.
Run Sysprep with Generalized and Shutdown the machine.
Convert prepared VM into an image by using the Capture option.
Though we allocate an estimated/expected size of disk for both System Drive or Data drive, we do get into situations where we need to expand the disks. In this article let us look at how to expand disk on Windows Machine.
To expand/reduce a disk VM should be in Stopped(deallocated) state.
When we provision a Windows machine on Azure the default size allocated to System Drive (C drive) is 127 GB. Azure not allow a reduction of system volume size below 127 GB. Below is the error you see when you try to reduce the System volume size below 127 GB.
In the article let us look at Adding new Disk to a Windows Virtual Machine.
To add a new disk to Azure VM goto Home-->>Virtual Machines-->> VM1(Select the VM)-->> Disks. Select the option of Add data disk as shown in the below screenshot.
Below are the steps for setting-up Azure PowerShell.
Make sure you have latest version of PowerShell Installed. To know version of PowerShell installed below is the command.
To Check Current Version of PS on the portal upgrade it if you have Lower Version. Below is the link for latest version of PowerShell download. Latest PowerShell Download Link