Showing posts with label Azure VirtualNetworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure VirtualNetworks. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2022

Virtual Network Peering

Vnet peering enable communication between vnets, with in the same region, different regions, different subscriptions and ofcourse different Tenants. 

Vnets will helps with isolation which means resources accross vents will not communicate with each other, hence the need of Peering. 

Peering between the Vnets in the same Region is called Regional Vnet Peering
Peering between the Vnets in the different Regions is called Global Vnet Peering.

Vnet Peering traffic will go through private network of azure, which give you below advantages.
    *Better performance

Peering should always two ways, If you create onway peering, two way communication will not work.
If you want allow traffic one way the other way to be bloked do it by Network Security Groups (NSG).

Here is the video which help you with the configuration of both Regional and Global Vnet Peering.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Assign Custom DNS Servers Azure

In this article let us understand how to assign your organization's DNS servers IPs Addresses to  Azure hosted virtual machines. Before we see that couple of important points.

Friday, February 12, 2021

How to configure Static Private and Public IP Addresses on Azure.

In this post let us have a quick look at how to configure private and public IP addresses as static.

Setting Static Private IP Address:

As we know in Azure it is the network interface card associated with the VMs that get IP addresses, the default dynamic IPs can be changed to static.

As shown in the below image navigate to the networking section of the virtual machine to identify the network interface card(s) associated and move to network interface card settings by selecting the network interface card.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Azure Networking - Part 4 (Azure Virtual Network Peering)

In this article let us understand Virtual Network Peering (Vnet Peering).

We understood in our earlier articles that there is no communication between Virtual Networks in the same region or different regions/locations. What if there is a requirement to enable communication between Virtual Networks?

Azure provides us with two solutions.

  • Virtual Network Peering
  • VPN Gateway.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Azure Networking - Part 2 (Creation of Vnets and Subnets)

In our earlier article i.e., Part-1 of Azure Networking Series here we understood the basics of Azure Networking, VNETs , and Subnets to an extent. Let us look at how to create a VNets and Subnets.

Before we start deploying a Vnets and Subnets we need to make sure that we design our Vnets with a number of IPs required,  of course keeping future requirements in mind.

VNET creation requires the following information

1)Name of the VNET
2)Resource Group
5)IP Address Space in CIDR format.
6)Subnet(s) (During the creation of VNET you need to create at least one Subnet)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Azure Networking - Part 1 (Virtual Network)

Network is crucial and critical part of Infrastructure that enables Connectivity and Security.

Azure Network consists of multiple components Virtual Network, Network Peering, Network Security Group, ExpressRoute, Load Balancer, VPN Gateway, Application Gateway, Azure DNS, CDN (Content Delivery Network), Azure DDoS Protection, Network Watcher, Azure Firewall, Virtual WAN, Azure Front Door Service.

Let us Look at Virtual Network and related components in this article.

Virtual Network is a network boundary which allows communication between devices/resources with in Virtual Network. Virtual Network can have one or more Address Spaces (While creating Virtual Network it will allow only one Address space you can add additional Addresses later). Address space associated with a Virtual Network can be segmented in to Multiple Subnets. As resources within Virtual Network can communicate with each other, resources across Subnets with in the same Virtual network can also communicate with each other.