Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Windows Admin Centre

Admin Centre is another handy tool for Administrator which is basically a combination of multiple tools. You can use such single tool instead of multiple tools. This needs installation and setup.

Admin Centre has to compoments:

1)Gateway:The Gateway manages servers through remote PowerShell and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) over Windows Remote Management (WINRM).

2)WebConsole: The Web server component observes HTTPS requests and serves the user interface to the web browser on the management station. This is not a full install of Internet Information Services (IIS), but a mini Web server for this specific purpose.

Monday, July 3, 2023

How to download/export Azure Active Directory Users and groups.

As an Azure Administrator you may have to download Users list or Groups in your Azure Active Directory. In this article let us see how to export AAD users amd groups to csv and downlaod them.