Saturday, November 9, 2019

Extend Azure VM's OS and Data Disks

Though we allocate an estimated/expected size of disk for both System Drive or Data drive, we do get into situations where we need to expand the disks. In this article let us look at how to expand disk on Windows Machine.

To expand/reduce a disk VM should be in Stopped(deallocated) state. 

When we provision a Windows machine on Azure the default size allocated to System Drive (C drive) is 127 GB. Azure not allow a reduction of system volume size below 127 GB. Below is the error you see when you try to reduce the System volume size below 127 GB.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Adding New Disk to Azure VM

In the article let us look at Adding new Disk to a Windows Virtual Machine.

To add a new disk to Azure VM goto Home-->>Virtual Machines-->> VM1(Select the VM)-->> Disks. Select the option of Add data disk as shown in the below screenshot.

Add Disk Option with in the Virtual Machine.